by Missy Stevens | Family
My title today is one of my favorite lines from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. (The not dead yet part of the title, that is. Not the toothbrush part.) I think of it often when life beats me down. You may hack away at me, leaving me limbless, but I’m not dead...
by Missy Stevens | Family
Have you seen Avenue Q, the musical that features puppets alongside people, much like an adult version of Sesame Street? On a trip to New York in early 2004-ish (I can’t remember exactly), Mark and I decided on a whim to see Avenue Q. The show starts with a...
by Missy Stevens | Family
Last Friday we breakfasted, bathed, dressed, and combed the hair of two kids and ourselves in record time. The boys were on excellent behavior. They ate in a reasonable time (are your kids really slow eaters?). They were happy to take a quick bath. They didn’t...
by Missy Stevens | Family
I am completely okay with raising a couple of losers. Good losers, that is. Everything in my house – everything – is a competition. My four-year-old can turn any task into a win-lose scenario. Who was the hungriest? Who took the longest bath? Who is the...
by Missy Stevens | Family, Whatever
We took a family field trip to Costco last Friday, and we were on a mission. Our objective was to obtain what we needed for a cocktail party that evening. Nothing more. We failed. When it was time to leave, I told the children that we did not have room for both of...
by Missy Stevens | Family
Not a plank. A toenail. There was a toenail in my eye. Just typing it completely grosses me out. My guess is you’re both disgusted and curious. I can’t help you with the disgust, but I can solve your curiosity. As I was clipping my toddler’s...