Not Dead Yet! And Toothbrush Troubles (Wonder Why Wednesday on Thursday)

Only For Now: Guest Posting Today

Have you seen Avenue Q, the musical that features puppets alongside people, much like an adult version of Sesame Street? On a trip to New York in early 2004-ish (I can’t remember exactly), Mark and I decided on a whim to see Avenue Q. The show starts with a...
Not Dead Yet! And Toothbrush Troubles (Wonder Why Wednesday on Thursday)

Wonder Why Wednesday: Family Picture Edition

Last Friday we breakfasted, bathed, dressed, and combed the hair of two kids and ourselves in record time. The boys were on excellent behavior. They ate in a reasonable time (are your kids really slow eaters?). They were happy to take a quick bath. They didn’t...
Not Dead Yet! And Toothbrush Troubles (Wonder Why Wednesday on Thursday)

Raising Losers

I am completely okay with raising a couple of losers. Good losers, that is. Everything in my house – everything – is a competition. My four-year-old can turn any task into a win-lose scenario. Who was the hungriest? Who took the longest bath? Who is the...
Not Dead Yet! And Toothbrush Troubles (Wonder Why Wednesday on Thursday)

Wonder Why Wednesday: Costco Edition

We took a family field trip to Costco last Friday, and we were on a mission. Our objective was to obtain what we needed for a cocktail party that evening. Nothing more. We failed. When it was time to leave, I told the children that we did not have room for both of...
Not Dead Yet! And Toothbrush Troubles (Wonder Why Wednesday on Thursday)

The Plank in My Eye

Not a plank. A toenail. There was a toenail in my eye. Just typing it completely grosses me out. My guess is you’re both disgusted and curious. I can’t help you with the disgust, but I can solve your curiosity. As I was clipping my toddler’s...