Have you seen Avenue Q, the musical that features puppets alongside people, much like an adult version of Sesame Street?

On a trip to New York in early 2004-ish (I can’t remember exactly), Mark and I decided on a whim to see Avenue Q. The show starts with a puppet singing,

What do you do with a BA in English?
What is my life going to be?
Four years of college and plenty of knowledge,
Have earned me this useless degree.

Mark and I looked at each other, laughing, knowing we had happened on something kind of unusual, and kind of fantastic. As the holder of a BA in English, I can say with authority that I have no freaking idea what to do with that degree.

Whether you like musicals or not, the songs in this show are hysterical and irreverent and completely singable. Songs like Sucks to Be Me are honest and funny. One of the songs is called For Now, and I find myself singing it often.

Don’t stress,
Let life roll off your backs
Except for death and paying taxes,
Everything in life is only for now!

So I’m absent from Wonder, Friend today. But only for now.

Instead of here, I’m over there: at Life Without Pink, one of my favorite blogs, written by the fantastic Tina.

I’m so excited to be guest posting at Tina’s place today. I admire her, and her blog, so it’s an honor to hang out over there today. Here’s a little excerpt of what you’ll find if you click over and visit Life Without Pink today:

Recently, thanks to cold and flu season, I have spent many nights rocking a certain sniffling child. I’m not naming names, but it’s the little one. He started preschool and regularly visits the church and gym nurseries, so he is now coated in germs. It probably doesn’t help matters that I frequently glance in the rear view mirror to see him sucking on a shoe.

So I was sitting there with this small child, not quite a baby, not quite a boy, as he coughed and sneezed (on me). Every time he started to whimper I was able to calm him in seconds, with a touch, a shhhh, a kiss on the head. I felt Super Mom-esque. I’ll admit it. Covered in snot, sleep deprived and wearing mismatched pajamas, but Super nonetheless.

And then it happened.

With a clarity like never before, it occurred to me that my time as Super Mom was limited. Severely.

So go on… visit Tina’s place. And while you’re at it, follow her on Twitter and Facebook.

I’ll see you back here soon.
