by Missy Stevens | Family, Giveaway
Nothing kills my Christmas spirit faster than long lines and crowds.* Because I have some issues with masses of humanity, I have to admit that it’s been years since my last trip to the Trail of Lights. The thought of losing sight of my little kids, as they...
by Missy Stevens | Family
‘Tis the season. No, not that season. It will be that season soon enough, so you should probably start making your list and checking it twice. Take a deep breath. You have, like, 128 days until Christmas. Your kids will likely be in school for around 80 of those...
by Missy Stevens | Family, Whatever
We’re on week two of a stomach bug at my house. Three-quarters of us have been hit, one person every three or four days. My fourth grader, who we’ll call Patient Zero, had a mild case. No big deal, I thought. Four days later, I nearly died, followed in...
by Missy Stevens | Family, Whatever
In the summer of 2005 I was pregnant, but didn’t know it yet. I was in Minneapolis-St. Paul for a family wedding, and all I could think about was taking a nap. And then another nap. I assumed I was dying, though in the back of my mind I knew I could be growing a...
by Missy Stevens | Family, General Stuff and Such
Lately, I feel raw, like my emotions are all sitting on top of my skin. A suit made of human emotions, if you will. (It puts the lotion in the basket, but with feelings rather than skin?) Joking aside, since I’m not feeling especially jokey at the moment, when...
by Missy Stevens | Family
Let’s talk summer. It’s my very favorite season… until about June 27 when my enthusiasm for being Super Summer Mom flags, my to-do list remains undone, and the thermometer hovers in the high nineties by mid-morning snack time. Summer quickly becomes...