How Lucky We Are

How Lucky We Are

I like to wait until I have a clear, cohesive message before I let it go live on my site, or before I send my work out, hoping someone else will press that publish button. This will not be that. I have too many thoughts. I need a professional organizer to help me get...
Trail of Lights ZiP Fast Pass Giveaway

Trail of Lights ZiP Fast Pass Giveaway

Nothing kills my Christmas spirit faster than long lines and crowds.* Because I have some issues with masses of humanity, I have to admit that it’s been years since my last trip to the Trail of Lights. The thought of losing sight of my little kids, as they...
School is Starting, Take a Deep Breath

School is Starting, Take a Deep Breath

‘Tis the season. No, not that season. It will be that season soon enough, so you should probably start making your list and checking it twice. Take a deep breath. You have, like, 128 days until Christmas. Your kids will likely be in school for around 80 of those...
Better Than Nothing!

Better Than Nothing!

We’re on week two of a stomach bug at my house. Three-quarters of us have been hit, one person every three or four days. My fourth grader, who we’ll call Patient Zero, had a mild case. No big deal, I thought. Four days later, I nearly died, followed in...