Last Friday we breakfasted, bathed, dressed, and combed the hair of two kids and ourselves in record time.

The boys were on excellent behavior. They ate in a reasonable time (are your kids really slow eaters?). They were happy to take a quick bath. They didn’t fuss about their clothes.

Mark and I were also on excellent behavior. No wardrobe malfunctions. I actually liked my jeans and jacket. Mark’s sleeves were the right length (you’d be surprised how often this is an issue – the man is hard to fit off the rack).

All in all, it was one of those easy, successful mornings. Part of the reason I’m writing this now is because that rarely happens. I want a record of it. Once we were all clean, shiny, happy people we headed off to our photographer’s studio for this year’s family photos.

Cut to one hour later.

You know the Bill Cosby bit from the Himself album, the one about Jeffrey’s mother on the airplane? The one about how this woman gets on the plane looking polished and by the time she gets off the plane, after wrestling her preschooler up and down the aisles for hours, her hair is disheveled and she looks hagard?

Yep. That was us.

Our four year old was a champ as long as the focus was on him. The minute we tried to get pictures of his brother, or worse with us and his brother, H became Captain Whiny Pants (his super hero name, by the way). And P? Don’t even get me started. My giggly, goofy toddler who loves to ham it up apparently traded bodies with a very surly, angry kid. P wanted no part of holding still and smiling for the camera.

Thankfully our photographer is a miracle worker and magician. I haven’t seen all of the pictures yet, but the two I saw are amazing – the kids look like their normal, happy selves. There is no sign of Captain Whiny Pants or his trusty sidekick, Cranky Pants.

I can’t wait to see the rest of the pictures, even the ones where P is trying to push H off of a bench and H is hugging my neck just a tad too tight. I have a feeling the pictures will capture our boys’ personalities – the good, the bad, and the cranky – perfectly.

Before I get to the Wonder Why Wednesday question, I’m just going to put a plug out there for our miracle worker photographer. If you are in the Austin area and plan to do pictures of your kids or your family, contact Robin right away! Click here for more.*

So… here’s what I wonder today:

Why, why do I expect my kids to suddenly be mature, little adults at picture time? Why do I stress about coordinating outfits and fuss over hair?

Next year, we’re all putting on our favorite outfits and going as we are to capture the kids in all their busy, wiggly glory!

*Lest you think this was a paid post, I was in no way compensated by Robin Winkles Photography. I’m singing her praises because she’s great, not because she’s paying me to do so. She doesn’t even know I’m writing this!


Sorry this post is so late. I once again had scheduling issues. Clearly, there is some user error going on here! This was supposed to auto post this morning, and – obviously – it didn’t. But it’s still Wednesday, so I’m rolling with it.
