Wonder Why Wednesday: Human Alarm Edition

Wonder Why Wednesday: Human Alarm Edition

My kids are good sleepers. Usually. We have our issues, of course, because they are kids and are required by some unwritten law to test every boundary, pushing the limits of parental patience. I wrote once before about my oldest’s ninja-like stealth after...
How I Spent My Weekend

How I Spent My Weekend

Not the way I planned. That’s how. This was supposed to be, officially: Clean Up This Crap and Get Things Done Weekend. Or, what my parents always called Butts and Elbows Time. As in, we don’t want to see anything except butts and elbows, because everyone...
Wonder Why Wednesday: Human Alarm Edition

I’m Shot! I’m Shot! Flu, That Is.

The other day I was on the phone with a friend and casually mentioned that I was planning to schedule flu shots for the family. The walking set of ears – you may know him as H, our four year old – heard me and immediately burst into tears. I had to pause...
It’s Only a Flesh Wound

It’s Only a Flesh Wound

The flesh wound portion of our story is coming, but first, did you notice I’ve been kind of an asshat and have not kept up with Tri My Way Thursdays? I’m sorry. Wait, I’m not sorry. Does that make me even more of an asshat? The thing is, I’ve...
Wonder Why Wednesday: Human Alarm Edition

That’s What She Said

While I realize that my boys will physically grow up, that they will – God willing – develop mentally and emotionally to the point that they will have their own lives, I am beginning to think none of us ever truly grows up. Some examples of life in my house: A child...
It’s Only a Flesh Wound

Sunday School? No Kidding.

I volunteered to teach Sunday School. I’ll let that sink in. If you know me, you are thinking, “Wait. Missy volunteered to teach Sunday School? I misread this, clearly.” There are a lot of reasons my sudden altruism seems random, not the least of which is that I...