My kids are good sleepers. Usually.

We have our issues, of course, because they are kids and are required by some unwritten law to test every boundary, pushing the limits of parental patience. I wrote once before about my oldest’s ninja-like stealth after bedtime, and we have our share of bad dreams and teething-related night wakings. You know, typical kid stuff.

For the most part, however, we have been very blessed. Aside from infrequent, random bad nights, the boys have historically been easy nighttime kids.

Until this week.

I believe the little one may be some sort of toddler genius. I think he can tell time. I also believe he has crafted an alarm system that is connected to my bedside alarm, whether psychically or through some complicated mechanical process developed by the toddler genius himself. The reason I suspect this is that for the last week, maybe a bit longer, that child wakes up five to ten minutes before my alarm is set to go off. Like clockwork. His crafty alarm system wakes him, and he begins chatting, singing, crying and generally making a whole lot of noise.

I don’t know about you, but there are few things more annoying than waking up, or being woken up, out of a peaceful sleep and realizing that you do not have the luxury of going back to dreamland. Oh, I know. What a sad, first-world problem. I’m not saying this is a serious, deep issue that needs national attention. I’m just saying it’s annoying. Really, really annoying.

My goal is to get up before the children do and accomplish a few things. I try to write a little, check emails, attempt some quiet time, do a chore or two, take a shower… What I do during that time varies from day-to-day, but the point is that it’s my time. I’m not a morning person, but now that I have kids I’m not really a night person, either. Those little suckers wear me out and I am usually drooling on myself by bed time. So the morning is my one chance to face the world with a little bit of clarity.

This morning routine takes a lot of discipline on my part. (Full disclosure: I fail, often, and go back to sleep after hitting snooze. I am not proud of this.) I’m not very flexible before my first cup of coffee, and I don’t exactly roll with it. If I’m going to suck it up and get out of my super comfortable bed, then it better be on my terms. I find it really irritating to have my wake up time dictated by the kids. They dictate so much of my day, and though it’s admittedly selfish, I want my mornings to myself. Dammit.

So back to the human alarm. How do I know toddler genius has created this complicated alarm system? Well, I can’t be certain, since in spite of his highly advanced time-telling and clock-building skills, the little guy has a limited vocabulary. He lacks the words to explain how he’s accomplishing his current feat. All I know is that he is eerily accurate. I’ve tested him by varying my alarm times, and it doesn’t matter. He starts his jabbering within about 10 minutes of when my alarm is set to go off. It’s creepy.

I wonder why kids are able to do stuff like this?

Is it because we’re so deeply, emotionally connected to our kids? Is it because they are tiny Dr. Evils and want to control our every move? Is it because they don’t want us to have any peace and quiet, ever, and will go to great lengths to be included in our every waking moment? What is it with these little people?
