Wonder Why Wednesday: Routine Edition

Wonder Why Wednesday: Routine Edition

I typically know where I’m going when I sit down to hammer out a blog post. I always start out with a plan. A goal. Frequently, I end up detouring, and it’s not unusual at all for a post to end up in a completely different spot than I expected. But I start...
Wonder Why Wednesday: Routine Edition

Not Much Monday

I thought I would keep it light today. My guess is that there will be hundreds of good BlogHer-related posts out there today. To be fair, I will not write something amazing. I do not want to take away from the BlogHer recaps. Let’s be honest here, I’m not...
Wonder Why Wednesday: Routine Edition

I Blew It (And I’m Sad)

I’ve been trying to walk the line between writing honest posts and not getting too bare-my-soul, cry-on-your-shoulder, share-way-too-much-personal-information. Also, I like hyphenating things. Anyway, I always enjoy reading blog posts that I know come from the...
Wonder Why Wednesday: Routine Edition

Wonder Why Wednesday: Husband and Poop Edition

I’m feeling a kinship with Alex over at Late Enough this week, because it’s been all about butts here, too. Both of my boys have had the trots. The runs. With my oldest, who amazingly has never had a true stomach virus before, it went like this: Kid: Mom,...
Not Mom of the Year

Not Mom of the Year

Like most moms, I suspect, I saw a contest for Not Mom of the Year and thought, I don’t know what they’re giving away, but I’m sure I’ve won it. I said as much in my comments to Life Without Pink and The Mommyologist, our contest hostesses. I...
Wonder Why Wednesday: Routine Edition

What Babies See

A Saturday Quickie. Not that kind of quickie. Leave it to you to automatically go there. No, this is a quick post, friend. A quick post. Have you ever wondered what babies can hear and see while still safely ensconced in your uterus? Today my worst fears were...