Wonder Why Wednesday: Hurry Up and Wait Edition

Wonder Why Wednesday: Me vs. Toys Edition

Last Friday night was one for the books at our house. If those books are dull, dull, dull accountings of household chores. As sad as it would have sounded to pre-mom me, it was not actually a bad night. We got stuff done, including a massive sort of the toys. The...
Wonder Why Wednesday: Hurry Up and Wait Edition

Wonder Why Wednesday: Yes! Edition

This is my final post for Momalom’s Five for Ten. Sniff. I’ll be reading other Five for Ten blog posts for weeks. If you have the time or inclination, hop over to Momalom and check out some of the amazing writing out there. Since it’s Wednesday,...
Wonder Why Wednesday: Hurry Up and Wait Edition

Memories of a Happy Birthday

This post, part of Five for Ten, was intended for two days ago when the topic was memory. But – and I’m serious here – I forgot to post it. I had it almost ready to go, but then got really wrapped up in a busy weekend of house guests and birthday...
Wonder Why Wednesday: Hurry Up and Wait Edition

Happiness Makes Me Hungry

I once stood in a church and said good-bye to one of the dearest friends I have ever had, or will have. I was miserable. And angry. And I looked at another friend and said, “I don’t want to be here. I just want to go home.” I couldn’t stand another second...