I’m feeling a kinship with Alex over at Late Enough this week, because it’s been all about butts here, too. Both of my boys have had the trots. The runs. With my oldest, who amazingly has never had a true stomach virus before, it went like this:

Kid: Mom, what is this?

Me: It’s diarrhea, honey. You’re a little sick.

Kid: It feels weird. It didn’t go kuplink, kuplunk.

Me: Uh, huh. Right. It does make different sounds than regular poop.

Kid: I don’t think I like having the diarrhea.

Me: That’s a common reaction, babe. You’re not alone in your feelings here.

He now refers to his illness as “The Diarrhea.” As in, I had The Diarrhea, but now my brother has The Diarrhea.

Can we stop talking about it already? Mom is OVER it. And that brother of his? He has a diaper rash that makes my bottom hurt. The fun never stops.

In less disgusting news, we’re eagerly awaiting the birth of a new cousin & niece. Any second now, as in she’s due today. Come on, baby. I can’t wait to have another niece. I adore being the mother of boys. I feel like I was born to be a Boy Mom, but… there’s a lot of talk of butts when you live in a house full of boys. (Like how I brought this right back around to bottom talk?) I love having nieces. We talk about dolls and jewelry. Things are pink. Very fun.

Between the bottom maintenance going on over here and the excitement/anxiety over the baby’s arrival, I’m kind of drawing a blank on Wonder Why Wednesday. I wonder about stuff, sure. Why won’t the baby just get here already? Why can’t my 14-month-old tell me when he’s walking around with a diaper full of ick. (Oddly, there’s been very little odor. Too much information? Sorry. Here ends the poop talk. Maybe.)

I can’t focus enough to come up with an actual WWW post. So I asked my husband if he had anything on his mind.

Husband: I wonder who gets to come up with the names for coffee flavors?

Me: Honey, it’s Wonder WHY Wednesday, not Wonder WHO Wednesday.

Husband: Oh, well, I’m wondering who to call to find out when my iPhone will ship…

Me: Uh, didn’t we just discuss why vs. who?

Husband: Sorry. I think I just have more WHO questions than WHY questions. How about WHY hasn’t my new phone shipped?

Me: Riveting, babe. A post in the making.

Husband: I wonder why you’re being so mean to me.

Since he was no help at all, I’m going to make you do my work. So come on with it. What’s your Wonder Why for the week? I promise not to be mean to you.
