Does Santa Like Couscous?

Does Santa Like Couscous?

Picture it. 2010. Somewhere in America. Like maybe Austin. Dinner. A family of four, ranging in age from 18 months to, well, a lot older than 18 months. On the menu: couscous. *** H, who is four: What IS this? Me: It’s couscous. H: Have I eaten it before? Me:...
Control Issues: Featured on KludgyMom Today

Control Issues: Featured on KludgyMom Today

I’m not here today. Instead, I’m over here, writing about Control Issues. Remember the eBook I mentioned a couple weeks ago? Today my post from the book is being featured on KludgyMom. Thanks, Gigi! I hope you and yours had a wonderful Thanksgiving!...
Does Santa Like Couscous?

Flexibility (And I’m Not Talking About Yoga)

This is not a tutorial on stretching. Or yoga. This is about emotional, relational flexibility. Physical flexibility is good, but that’s not what’s on my mind. We’ll tackle Stretching 101 another day, though, because I do actually have some questions...
Thursday Thankfulness

Thursday Thankfulness

Me? How could I not be thankful for this? We’re T-minus six days (Or something – military, spacey talk has never been my specialty. Shocked?) from Thanksgiving. Even though we should stop and count our blessings every day, it’s this particular time...
Home Improvement Update

Home Improvement Update

It’s Friday. I, like all of you, have 32 bazillion things, give or take, on the to-do list for this weekend. Instead of focusing on what needs to be done, I’m going to share some things we actually finished. First, some history. A long time ago, in a Land...
Does Santa Like Couscous?

Scare Tactics

This is not a belated Halloween post. This is a how-to-terrify-your-kids-into-doing-what-you-want-them-to-do post. My oldest understands that hot things burn you. He knows that burns hurt. Our issue is that he has never been burned, so his head knowledge is no match...