It’s Friday. I, like all of you, have 32 bazillion things, give or take, on the to-do list for this weekend. Instead of focusing on what needs to be done, I’m going to share some things we actually finished.

First, some history.

A long time ago, in a Land Before Children, we took a house from this:

A photo of our house during the demo phase.

Yes, we LIVED in the house while it looked like this.

To this (sorry, somehow I do not have an after picture from the same angle as the before picture. You’ll have to use your imagination.):

A picture of the family room after the remodel.

The family room.

A picture of the living room after the remodel

The living room.

Mark and I not only lived in the house throughout the entire process, we did a huge amount of the work ourselves. Mark and his dad built the bottom portion of our staircase and installed all of the balusters and railings. Some day I may tell you the story of that process. It was painful, but the outcome was worth it, don’t you think? Professionals handled things like relocating plumbing and electrical, and making sure the place was structurally sound. Then we handled everything from sheet rock (Never again. Never.) to paint.

The entire project, start to finish, took many, many – oh, so many – months. In The Land Before Children, however, we had the time to work and the freedom live amongst a mess, complete with sharp tools and buckets of nails lying about. (OSHA would have loved us.)

After we had kids and found out we were moving to a new city, we evaluated our housing options. It took about 22 seconds to realize that total remodels were not on our list of wants. These days it’s just not okay to leave buckets of nails lying around. We know that because we are good parents.

Even though we bought a house that doesn’t need major work, we still have home improvment projects. We cannot help ourselves. Apparently, Mark and I don’t feel complete if there’s not a project in progress. We may keep all the sharp objects in the garage, at a safe height, these days, but we still have buckets of nails.

Not too long ago I wrote a post about the best laid plans going awry (again with the kids – always throwing a wrench in things), and I mentioned that I had a bathroom sink in my dining room.

I’m proud to say that I now have a bathroom sink in the powder room. Due to the change in my circumstances (you know, the kids I keep talking about), I feel the same sense of accomplishment with this bathroom that I felt when I remodeled my entire house. Kids really do change everything, especially your perspective.

We still have some touch up paint and accessorizing to do, but it’s complete enough for me to call the project a success. As proof, here are a few gratuitous bathroom shots. (Oh, I cannot wait to see the bizarre search strings that come from that sentence.)

A picture of the cabinet-style sink, installed.

Running water and all.

Accessories and art in the niche

I never know what to do with an art niche...

Art hanging on the bathroom wall.

Reminders of travels and family, two of my favorite things.

Picture of the trash can.

How cute is this trash can?

I’m not being compensated by any of the companies I’m about to mention, but I know if you’re like me, you’re curious about paint colors, etc. Here is a source list:

:: Paint – Behr Premium Plus Ultra, from Home Depot, in Poppyseed

:: Sink, faucet, mirror and lighting – all from Lowe’s Home Improvement

:: Accessories – some of the things were mine, but the cool mirror/photo display, the framed key, the lidded glass jar and the clock are all from Creative Co-Op, based out of Memphis. So cute! Our local Bed, Bath and Beyond told me they are the only store in Texas carrying Creative Co-Op products, just FYI. Oh, and that adorable trash can came from Target.

:: Framed photos – the pictures are all mine. The one of the Texas State Capitol is from an antique shop. I’ve had it for about 15 years and can’t remember where I found it. It is a reproduction, though, so I’m sure other copies exist out there somewhere. The photos of the Statue of Liberty, Big Ben and the Eiffel Tower are all my personal photos.

I wonder…

:: Are you a home improvement buff? (If so, link to a favorite project in the comments below!)

:: Where are your favorite places to shop for accessories?
