Me? How could I not be thankful for this?

H in his Buzz Lightyear costume


P in the pumpkin patch

P is for Pumpkin

We’re T-minus six days (Or something – military, spacey talk has never been my specialty. Shocked?) from Thanksgiving. Even though we should stop and count our blessings every day, it’s this particular time of year when we can’t help ourselves. We can’t help but spend some time dwelling on the goodness.

You may be expecting the cheesy list of things I’m thankful for this year. Well, you’re not getting it. For one thing, I haven’t finished compiling my list; and for another thing, I think I’m saving it for next Thursday’s post.

I do have something for you, though.

In the spirit of the season, the fabulous Gigi at KludgyMom compiled a Thanksgiving eBook, The Thanksgiving Table. The stories in the book can be found on KludgyMom daily, from now through early December.

I’ve read the book and there’s something for everyone, from food to crafts to sentiment to a Thanksgiving rap. And in case it wasn’t obvious, what with all my eBook pimping, I have a piece in there. My submission, Control Issues, will run on Gigi’s site on Tuesday, November 30. You don’t have to mark your calendar or anything, though. I’ll remind you.

Or, if you just can’t stand waiting, and you’re dying to read the book now, now, now, you can click here: The Thanksgiving Table

Look at that. Something to be thankful for: two ways to access The Thanksgiving Table. We aim to please.

I wonder…

:: What are you feeling thankful for right now, this very minute?
Here’s my answer: I get to spend today with my mom, just us. That is a rare and special thing. And I am thankful.


The Blogging Mavens are still mavening!

Don’t forget to check out all the posts this week and click here to learn more about the series: The Blogging Mavens: Blogging for All!

When and where the mavens are sharing their thoughts:

:: You can find my post here.

:: Kelley’s Break Room on Wednesday, November 17: Finding Your Voice & Developing Content

:: a belle, a bean & a chicago dog on Thursday, November 18: Using Twitter to Develop a Community

:: Crystal & Co. on Friday, November 19: Loving Your Work

:: June Cleaver Nirvana on Saturday, November 20: Taking Your Blog to the Next Level

The official button for the series The Blogging Mavens: Blogging For All!
