September Edition: Blogroll Schmogroll

September Edition: Blogroll Schmogroll

Welcome to the second installment of Blogroll Schmogroll. The good news (or bad news, if you hate this feature) – Blogroll Schmogroll has the potential to be the world’s longest running feature. There’s a never ending supply of fun reads from which...
September Edition: Blogroll Schmogroll

I’m Shot! I’m Shot! Flu, That Is.

The other day I was on the phone with a friend and casually mentioned that I was planning to schedule flu shots for the family. The walking set of ears – you may know him as H, our four year old – heard me and immediately burst into tears. I had to pause...
September Edition: Blogroll Schmogroll

Scattered. My Brain is Scattered.

I decided that hate – HATE – the post I originally planned to put here. I logged on to do a quick edit and push the “Publish” button, and changed my mind. Notice a theme? It seems that Mondays are my days to have posting issues. Apparently...
September Edition: Blogroll Schmogroll

TMC Featured Blogger? That’s Me!

It’s TMC Featured Blogger day, and the featured blog is, you guessed it, Wonder, Friend (that’s this blog, in case you’re confused). Wahoo! If you’re stopping by from Theta Mom, thank you for taking the time to visit. I am still surprised by...
It’s Only a Flesh Wound

It’s Only a Flesh Wound

The flesh wound portion of our story is coming, but first, did you notice I’ve been kind of an asshat and have not kept up with Tri My Way Thursdays? I’m sorry. Wait, I’m not sorry. Does that make me even more of an asshat? The thing is, I’ve...