Wonder Why Wednesday: I Love to Read Edition


I do not feel well today. Not at all. The tips of my fingers hurt and my hair feels funny. I had a post for you, but I cannot edit it. The words run together, they make no sense. I am sure that’s due to how blech I feel, and not due to very poor writing. Either...
Wonder Why Wednesday: I Love to Read Edition

That’s What She Said

While I realize that my boys will physically grow up, that they will – God willing – develop mentally and emotionally to the point that they will have their own lives, I am beginning to think none of us ever truly grows up. Some examples of life in my house: A child...
Wonder Why Wednesday: I Love to Read Edition

Wonder Why Wednesday: Not Again Edition

I was working on this post about comedy and wanted to include clips, so I spent about two hours (cumulative – not all at once) skipping around YouTube and I have nothing to show for it. A few new laugh lines, perhaps, but nothing resembling a cohesive piece of...
Wonder Why Wednesday: I Love to Read Edition

Facebook and Social Media Injuries

I have a blogging injury. My trackball* finger really hurts. Do you know what that is, a trackball? It’s that little, red, button doohickey on your laptop keyboard that functions as a mouse. In all honesty, I think my injury is more of a Twitter injury, but for...