by Missy Stevens | Whatever
You are in one of two camps: 1. You’re part of the Back to School, Back to Blogging Challenge over at Kludgy Mom and you are just all over the widget and plugin thing this week. You saw a post title about a plugin and thought, I cannot wait to go read that! 2....
by Missy Stevens | Family, Whatever
I volunteered to teach Sunday School. I’ll let that sink in. If you know me, you are thinking, “Wait. Missy volunteered to teach Sunday School? I misread this, clearly.” There are a lot of reasons my sudden altruism seems random, not the least of which is that I...
by Missy Stevens | Books and Writing
Dear Me, You, Us, I was tasked with writing a letter from me to me. I’m writing now, which is the future to you; you’re reading now, which is the past to me. Confused yet? Let’s put it this way. You are reading this in 1992. You’re 18....
by Missy Stevens | Family
I typically know where I’m going when I sit down to hammer out a blog post. I always start out with a plan. A goal. Frequently, I end up detouring, and it’s not unusual at all for a post to end up in a completely different spot than I expected. But I start...
by Missy Stevens | Books and Writing, Fitness
Keeping things brief is not my specialty. But today will be just that. Brief, in three parts. ********************************************************************************* Part 1: Grateful We had one of those experiences this week that made my family take stock. I...