Keeping things brief is not my specialty. But today will be just that. Brief, in three parts.


Part 1: Grateful

We had one of those experiences this week that made my family take stock. I can’t go into details because it’s not my story to tell (Sorry. I kind of hate reading secretive, non-information, but you’ll have to just trust me on this.).

What I can tell you is that someone we know is fighting for his life. The news made me stop, breathe and look around at all of my blessings. Moments before, my husband and I had been whining about the cost of custom built-in cabinets. I’ll let that sink in. The quote for the built-ins was too much. Whaaaa. Talk about feeling small. How much more first-world-obnoxious can we get?

If you’re the praying type, send up a prayer for our friend – God will know what you’re talking about.* If you, too, are fighting for your own life or know someone who is, my heart goes out to you and yours.

I know that what I’m about to say falls under the category of DUH (can you tell I’m a child of the late 70s/early 80s? We said Duh then.), but this life of ours? It’s short and it’s a gift. It can change in a heartbeat. I take that for granted way too often.

I wonder, have you had a moment that stopped you in your tracks?

*I think God is the only one who knows what I’m talking about half the time.


We’re moving on to (Much) Lighter Fare…

Part 2: A Contest

No, it’s not my contest. My blog is in no way affiliated with this contest. Let me make that clear: I have no affiliation whatsoever with this contest.

My connection is solely my desire to have lunch – and almost certainly become the best of friends – with these two authors: Stacey Ballis and Jen Lancaster.

They are running a contest tied to the release of Stacey’s latest book, Good Enough to Eat. If you pre-order the book, you will be entered for a chance to win lunch with Stacey and Jen! And you get to bring a friend. You know where I’m going with this, right? I expect (I would say demand, but I’m trying to be nice here) you to invite me to be your plus one if you win. Got it?

Click right here for the details.

Please enter. And feel free to win as long as you understand the deal we have struck here today: I will be your date to lunch. Please?

Also follow Jen and Stacey on Facebook, Twitter, and their blogs. The links to all of those places can be found within the contest information. I stalk them regularly and they’ve yet to file a restraining order on me, so I think it’s safe to recommend that you take up stalking them as well.

So click on over, enter the contest, follow the two fabulous ladies and read all of their books. That is all.


Part 3: Tri My Way Thursdays

It’s not official measurement week, but I’m very excited about the 1.5 pound difference happening here. (Lost, not gained, in case that wasn’t obvious). Turns out I have abs, thanks to Pilates.

It’s been a good workout week, including some cautious forays into running. I forgot that I like to run! I’m a little sore and my IT band is still giving me some trouble, but I see improvement.

Eating-wise I made great strides this week. I was able to make some good decisions in the face of temptation. It was not a perfect week, but better than the week before. I call that progress.


Yikes. So that was me, being brief.
