by Missy Stevens | Whatever
You may have noticed that I don’t have a Blogroll. (What?! You haven’t read every page of this blog? Oh, okay. Neither have I.) The thing is, I put off creating a blogroll because I know it will become a maintenance nightmare. Twenty years from now...
by Missy Stevens | Books and Writing
I thought I would write a blog post while my boys played. That is one of the crazier ideas I’ve ever had. They were not behaving badly. Or at least not very badly. In fact, more and more these days they play so well together. Actually, they don’t...
by Missy Stevens | Books and Writing
Hair today, gone tomorrow. Har, har, har. But I’m not laughing. Very short hair going on over here! I wanted a change. Isn’t that how it always starts? I was about to burst into flames, thanks to Central Texas August weather, and my long hair was annoying...
by Missy Stevens | Fitness, Whatever
Hmmm. I scheduled a post for the first time ever. Not only did it not post at the requested hour, it has now turned into gibberish and refuses to let me anywhere near the “post” button. Internet Technology Thingy That Makes My Blog Work, we should talk. I...
by Missy Stevens | Fitness
Picture it: The gym. 2010. A young-ish woman is in Pilates class. (If you caught the Golden Girls reference, then you watch too much TV. Also, we could be good friends.) So. Monday night I was in my Pilates class when one of those summer storms popped up, quite...