Hmmm. I scheduled a post for the first time ever. Not only did it not post at the requested hour, it has now turned into gibberish and refuses to let me anywhere near the “post” button.

Internet Technology Thingy That Makes My Blog Work, we should talk. I do think if we spent a little time together, one-on-one, we could be friends. As it stands now, I’m kind of tired of the technical difficulties you throw my way. Oh, don’t start up with your “user error” bullshit* again. I realize I don’t know everything about you or how to make you happy, but this process takes two. I would appreciate it if you do your part.

Real people readers? Are you still here?

Thanks for hanging around. I’ll repost today’s previously scheduled programming soon. Who knows, maybe my Internet Technology Thingy That Makes My Blog Work knew the post was drively crap written late at night after two sangrias with some fun new friends (here’s where I give a shout out to Christina at A Closet Writer and Gigi at Kludgy Mom). Yes, you read that right – two sangrias and I’m done for. I’m officially old and lame.

A quick Tri My Way update. You may have seen that the gym landed on my head this week. This did nothing to dampen my spirits, although it thoroughly dampened the gym. This week, I also learned the following:

1. I don’t posses the inner strength and will power required to do much more than the bare minimum. I am seeking outside motivation and trying some new tricks. I have a little contest going on with The Churchill Family. We haven’t done our weekly check-in yet, but she’s winning. For sure.

2. I didn’t want to count calories, but I am going to have to. I tend to get crazy obsessive once I start and spend half my day writing down my food intake. As I currently spend half my day on Twitter, I’m running out of hours left to care for my children. They are really particular about the whole food, clothing, love and attention deal. So in my continued efforts to be a real grown up, I am going to use my time more wisely. Writing down my daily caloric intake is now a non-optional activity.

3. I am really, really good at making excuses. I might turn it into a business. Excuses by Missy: You Don’t Wanna Go, I’ll Get You Out of It.

4. I still have a long road ahead to get my IT bands and knees in good working order. I need to slap my ego out of the way and accept that I’m not doing any triathlons in 2010. My husband so kindly pointed out that “at your age, you shouldn’t expect to see results so quickly.” I asked him how it feels to sleep alone. At his age.

So there you go. Summary: I ate well. But I also had two big slip-ups in the food department. I exercised and was very active. But I also talked myself out of going to the gym. Twice. One step forward, two steps back. This week’s goal: no back-stepping.

*Did you catch the movie reference? It’s not an exact quote, but it’s clearly borrowed from one of the most quotable movies ever. If you can tell me what it is, we will be good friends. How’s that for a motivating prize?!
