by Missy Stevens | Fitness
So I have discovered the drawback to promising a post “tomorrow.” Someone could stay out too late catching up with a friend, and then someone could be too tired to write a post, and someone A) might be sorry she didn’t write the post earlier and B)...
by Missy Stevens | Whatever
Today I am breaking the rules. I can do that, because this is my blog. Bwahahahaha. I am in charge of everything that happens here. What a rush. Aside from the fact that I don’t understand most of what goes on inside my computer, or much about how to set up and...
by Missy Stevens | Family, Whatever
I thought I would keep it light today. My guess is that there will be hundreds of good BlogHer-related posts out there today. To be fair, I will not write something amazing. I do not want to take away from the BlogHer recaps. Let’s be honest here, I’m not...
by Missy Stevens | Fitness, Food
Remember how last week I had nothing for Wonder Why Wednesday? This week I’m full of ’em. Questions, that is. It was hard to decide what to write about. So I wrote down all my ideas on little strips of paper and drew one out of a hat. No I didn’t....
by Missy Stevens | Whatever
I’m all out of the funny. If you want to roll on the floor, go visit Kludgy Mom. Gigi’s post kills me and I enthusiastically second her thoughts. Me? I’m watching the Hallmark Channel hoping for a good cry. Golden Girls just came on and the theme...