Remember how last week I had nothing for Wonder Why Wednesday? This week I’m full of ’em. Questions, that is. It was hard to decide what to write about. So I wrote down all my ideas on little strips of paper and drew one out of a hat.

No I didn’t.

Don’t be ridiculous.

I picked one, right out of my head. I should, however, write down the others somewhere or I’ll forget them. You know I will.

So. This week, I want to talk about eating. One of my favorite subjects. A few days ago I mentioned that I’m working on some things in my life. Some of the things are what you might call deep and introspective. Some others are easier to think about and easier to talk about. We’re starting with easy. Don’t judge me.

Food. Eating. Nutrition. These are all passions of mine. I’m not so much into the cooking of food, though. I enjoy cooking, sometimes, but it’s not a passion. I’m more interested in the talking about and the eating of food. I happen to have a lot of knowledge about healthy eating (when I don’t know something, I have access to a great nutritionist, who will probably appear here soon; she’s been helping me with the makings of a post).

My issue, you see, is not what I know. It’s what I do. A classic, right? Do as I say, not as I do.

As a rule of thumb we buy organic. The following items do not land in my shopping cart: partially hydrogenated anything, food dyes, GMO’s. Where staples are concerned, we eat healthfully around here. I shop the perimeter of the store way more than the aisles. We eat lots of whole foods at our house. I try not to overcook things and deplete them of nutritional value (I’m no raw-diet-vegan-Gwyneth-Paltrow or anything, don’t get any crazy ideas).

I’m not saying we never have a processed snack or junk food. I’m all about moderation. I’m totally against deprivation. I try to focus on controlling what I can, but not freaking out about every little bite that goes in my kids’ mouths. Or mine.

So here’s my problem:

I make good choices for meals, and good choices about what I put in my shopping cart. Mostly, anyway.

Somehow, though, I manage to find ways to indulge way too often. When presented with an opportunity to eat badly, I will. Every time. Junk food, comfort food… I cannot quit you.

I have NO WILL POWER. Sorry for screaming at you there. It’s just that I find this so frustrating.

I know what I need to do. I know what I want to do. But I keep failing. That leads me to my Wonder Why Wednesday question:

I wonder why I keep sabotaging my goals?

Do you ever sabotage yourself? Do you have any tips for curbing cravings without going overboard?


Once again, I leave you with some housekeeping. I won’t include this in every post for the rest of our lives, but I’ll probably include it a few more times:

1. You can now subscribe to Wonder, Friend by email! This makes me inexplicably excited. If you’re anything like me, you sometimes forget to check your reader. You may have favorite blogs (ahem) that you love reading, but you get busy and forget to check for new posts. So go ahead, subscribe. Over there, on the right, near the top. The Feedburner thingy. Thank you!

2. If you do read Wonder, Friend on a regular basis, you have my heart. Really. When I started this I said I would write even if nobody was reading, and I meant that. I mean that still. I write this for me, but lately it’s occurred to me that I also write this for you. Thank you for reading! If you leave a comment, you’re on my list of suitable mates should my husband ever meet an untimely demise. I sincerely appreciate your comments. Here’s the housekeeping part – I am now responding to comments within the comment thread, not via email. It just makes things more consistent. I’m working on setting up a comment platform that will send you an email when I respond to your comment. If you have recommendations for a good comment platform, send them my way.
