Wonder Why Wednesday: Costco Edition

Wonder Why Wednesday: Costco Edition

We took a family field trip to Costco last Friday, and we were on a mission. Our objective was to obtain what we needed for a cocktail party that evening. Nothing more. We failed. When it was time to leave, I told the children that we did not have room for both of...
Wonder Why Wednesday: Costco Edition

The Plank in My Eye

Not a plank. A toenail. There was a toenail in my eye. Just typing it completely grosses me out. My guess is you’re both disgusted and curious. I can’t help you with the disgust, but I can solve your curiosity. As I was clipping my toddler’s...
Wonder Why Wednesday: Costco Edition

Wonder Why Wednesday: Human Alarm Edition

My kids are good sleepers. Usually. We have our issues, of course, because they are kids and are required by some unwritten law to test every boundary, pushing the limits of parental patience. I wrote once before about my oldest’s ninja-like stealth after...
How I Spent My Weekend

How I Spent My Weekend

Not the way I planned. That’s how. This was supposed to be, officially: Clean Up This Crap and Get Things Done Weekend. Or, what my parents always called Butts and Elbows Time. As in, we don’t want to see anything except butts and elbows, because everyone...
Wonder Why Wednesday: Costco Edition

My TV Boyfriend

I was not planning to post today, but I love this clip from my TV boyfriend and the adorable, also TV-boyfriend-worthy, Justin Timberlake. Had to share (the clip, not my boyfriend – back off). And while we’re here, I wonder… do you have a TV romance?...