by Missy Stevens | Whatever
Liar! Liar! That’s what I imagine you’re all thinking, because I know that you hang on my every word {sarcasm button would be so nice} and last month I said this would be an Austin-based bloggers edition. And now? Now I’m doing a Bloggy Boot Camp...
by Missy Stevens | Whatever
I debated writing a Bloggy Boot Camp post, because I know a lot of my faithful readers are not bloggers. For my non-bloggers out there, I can see you rolling your eyes. I get it. I do. You know it won’t hurt my feelings if you stop reading now and return to your...
by Missy Stevens | Whatever
Well here’s something new and different for Monday – I got some blog awards. I have my Academy Award and Tony acceptance speeches drafted, because I have always known I would need those someday. This blog award thing totally threw me for a loop, though....
by Missy Stevens | Family
Last Friday we breakfasted, bathed, dressed, and combed the hair of two kids and ourselves in record time. The boys were on excellent behavior. They ate in a reasonable time (are your kids really slow eaters?). They were happy to take a quick bath. They didn’t...
by Missy Stevens | Family
I am completely okay with raising a couple of losers. Good losers, that is. Everything in my house – everything – is a competition. My four-year-old can turn any task into a win-lose scenario. Who was the hungriest? Who took the longest bath? Who is the...