by Missy Stevens | Books and Writing
That, up there, the title of this post, is indisputably wise counsel from an indisputably wise writer. We just aren’t sure which wise writer, exactly. Most say William Faulkner, and some say Mark Twain. And some say nobody ever really said it at all. Whoever...
by Missy Stevens | Family, Food
This is not a belated Halloween post. This is a how-to-terrify-your-kids-into-doing-what-you-want-them-to-do post. My oldest understands that hot things burn you. He knows that burns hurt. Our issue is that he has never been burned, so his head knowledge is no match...
by Missy Stevens | Family
My title today is one of my favorite lines from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. (The not dead yet part of the title, that is. Not the toothbrush part.) I think of it often when life beats me down. You may hack away at me, leaving me limbless, but I’m not dead...
by Missy Stevens | Family
Have you seen Avenue Q, the musical that features puppets alongside people, much like an adult version of Sesame Street? On a trip to New York in early 2004-ish (I can’t remember exactly), Mark and I decided on a whim to see Avenue Q. The show starts with a...
by Missy Stevens | Food, Tries New Things
Martha Stewart I’m not. Let’s get real, here. I’m not even cable access crafty, much less media empire crafty. I have these grand ideas. I can conceptualize, but I cannot follow through with any level of success. What I need is a doer, a person who...