Martha Stewart I’m not.

Let’s get real, here. I’m not even cable access crafty, much less media empire crafty.

I have these grand ideas. I can conceptualize, but I cannot follow through with any level of success. What I need is a doer, a person who can take my crazy ideas and turn them into something beautiful. What I need is a staff.

Back to reality.

It’s possible I was briefly possessed by the spirit of Martha, because for some inane reason I signed up to make a Halloween-themed cake for an event at church and to make Mummy Dogs for school. On the same day. At the same time.

Decidedly uncrafty me was suddenly rendered Suzy Homemaker, Baking Goddess.

Since there was no way I could make both cake and Mummy Dogs and have them both delivered by 9:30 a.m., I made the cake the night before. And I got creative, people. Inspiration struck while grocery shopping, and I filled my cart with bags of candy, marshmallows and chocolate chips. I had a plan.

After slaving away and creating what I would consider a Halloween masterpiece unlike any other heretofore created in this house, I called my husband to see my handiwork.

Smiling the smile you give a crazy person when you don’t want to set them off, he said, “Oh, great ghosts. And what are these? Flowers? Some kind of tree?”

I stared at him in disbelief. Did he really not see it?

I ask you: What do you think these are? Keep in mind it’s a Halloween cake.

Picture of pumpkins made from candied oranges and licorice, on top of a chocolate cake.

Cake toppers: what do these look like to you?

A prize* to the first reader who can tell me what these are, and convince me that they would have figured it out even if I hadn’t made it abundantly clear that this is a Halloween-themed cake.

The next morning I was up and baking mummies before my family started stirring. I felt very homespun. But I completely forgot to snap a shot of my Mummy Dogs before wrapping them in their tinfoil tomb. I swear they looked exactly like this. Really.

Mummies made from Pillsbury Crescent Roll dough, wrapped around hot dogs.

Pillsbury Mummy Dogs

Today I wonder:

:: Are you crafty? How do you manage it?!

:: Do your final projects ever fall a bit short of your ideas?

:: Oh, and is your husband a nut who wouldn’t recognize a pumpkin made of candied oranges if it smacked him upside the head? (Just wondering…)

*The prize. I will actually mail a prize to the first commenter who correctly identifies my adorable cake toppers, and I promise that it will not be one of my craft projects gone wrong. I’ll send you something cute, made by someone who received the Craft Gene. As I have already told you what was on top of the cake, this is the world’s easiest contest. You’re welcome.
