It’s Too Early For Christmas, People.

It’s Too Early For Christmas, People.

Oh, do I love Christmas. The trees! The lights! The cheesy Lifetime movies! All of it. Just not yet. For the love of all that is magical about this season, turn off your Christmas lights and stop playing your Charley Pride Christmas in My Hometown album. Now. (Yes, I...
Thursday Thankfulness

Thursday Thankfulness

Me? How could I not be thankful for this? We’re T-minus six days (Or something – military, spacey talk has never been my specialty. Shocked?) from Thanksgiving. Even though we should stop and count our blessings every day, it’s this particular time...
Nicest Spam Ever

Nicest Spam Ever

And possibly my shortest post ever. Don’t sound too happy about that; I might take it personally. I see hilarious posts out there where people highlight some of their crazy spam. This is not one of those posts. My borderline-OCD tendencies mean that I cannot...
Home Improvement Update

Home Improvement Update

It’s Friday. I, like all of you, have 32 bazillion things, give or take, on the to-do list for this weekend. Instead of focusing on what needs to be done, I’m going to share some things we actually finished. First, some history. A long time ago, in a Land...