A picture of a Santa figurine.

One of my favorite decorations, this Santa was a gift from one of my dearest friends.

Oh, do I love Christmas. The trees! The lights! The cheesy Lifetime movies! All of it.

Just not yet.

For the love of all that is magical about this season, turn off your Christmas lights and stop playing your Charley Pride Christmas in My Hometown album. Now.

(Yes, I do have Charley Pride’s Christmas in My Hometown. And several other Charley selections. He reminds my of my childhood and I love him. You, with your Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays by *NSYNC, do not judge me.)

Back to the decorations. Can you just wait a few more days, please?

Give the other seasons their due. Could we please not have Christmas trees and Jack-o-Lanterns on display at the same time? Is that too much to ask?

I am fired up. Fired up, I tell you.

This is my issue: the magic gets diluted when your yard is all blinking, flashing festivity before Thanksgiving. And the retailers? Don’t get me started.

Starbucks? That red cup breaks my heart. Save it for Black Friday. How about this for some holiday cheer? Come to Starbucks during your Black Friday shopping and get a discounted cup of coffee in the red cup.

Now that? That would be exciting. Thanksgiving is over and we’re kicking off Christmas. Wahoo! Red Cups!

Just a thought. Are you looking for a new marketing person, Starbucks? I’m your girl. I got ideas, baby. That Black Friday/Red Cup thing is just the beginning.

Where were we? Christmas decorations. That’s it.

I am not unreasonable. No, I’m not. I know that time is precious and we don’t all have the luxury of spending Thanksgiving weekend decorating our homes and businesses for the holidays. I get it. My family, just for example, is putting up our outside lights today. Ooo, did you feel that? The collective oh-she-is-such-a-hypocrite-air-being-sucked-out-of-the-room sound?

Stick with me.

We are hanging the lights on the house today. But we are not turning them on. Do you hear me? Not.

We’re doing some pre-work because this is our one chance to get it done. Those lights, however, will remain dark and will not start shining until Friday night. After Thanksgiving. Period.

I don’t claim to understand the ins and outs of what huge retail chains and shopping centers, malls, etc. go through to coordinate their holiday decorating and sales plans. I know it’s not as simple as waiting until the day after Thanksgiving. Again, I am not unreasonable. Passionate, maybe. Unreasonable? No.

All I ask is that the whole ordeal be a little less in. your. face. until after Thanksgiving. Go ahead, get organized. Make a plan. Spread the word about your upcoming sales and holiday promotions. Just do it without screaming MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY HOLIDAYS, FELIZ NAVIDAD, PLEASE COME BUY OUR PRODUCT NOW at us.

It’s not Merry Christmas-time, do you hear me?

It’s Happy Thanksgiving-time.

Can we please be in the moment and enjoy feeling thankful for a few days before we start rushing around with the decorating, shopping, cooking, eating madness that is Christmas?

Can we?

I wonder…

:: Does it bother you that retailers start ramming Christmas down your throats while you’re still stuffing Halloween candy down that throat?

:: When do you put up your holiday decorations?

:: Do you think I’m a Scrooge?
