That, up there, the title of this post, is indisputably wise counsel from an indisputably wise writer. We just aren’t sure which wise writer, exactly. Most say William Faulkner, and some say Mark Twain. And some say nobody ever really said it at all.

Whoever said it, or didn’t say it, was referring to words, sentences, passages in writing. Every writer has experienced the need to murder a favorite line, or even an entire piece, of writing. Sometimes the writing is beautiful, lyrical, moving… and wrong. Sometimes a sentence, lovely though it is, doesn’t add anything to the story. Or worse, it detracts from the story.

Today I’m appropriating this guidance and applying it to Wonder, Friend. I’m not killing a sentence or a passage. I’m killing Wonder Why Wednesday. Well, not killing, exactly. More like putting it in a medically induced coma.

I make no guarantees. Wonder Why Wednesday may resurrect one day, but for now it’s going the way of Rick Schroder. You know he’s still out there and he’s doing okay, but you don’t see him around much. You can always visit Wonder Why Wednesday in the archives, and just when you think it’s gone forever, I might bring it back. Options, they’re open.

Go ahead, take a moment. Grab a tissue, shout, why, oh why? to the heavens. Or shrug your shoulders and say, Whatevs. (I know, I don’t say that either – I am way to old for a Whatevs. I’m almost too old for Whatever. Almost.)

The thing is, Wonder Why Wednesday has become an annoyance. A burden. I kind of hate it. Blogging is a lot of things, and it means something different to everyone. I’m still trying to figure out exactly what it is for me, and where I’m going to take this blog. But one thing I am certain of is that Wonder, Friend, while primarily a writing outlet, should be fun.

Wonder Why Wednesday is sucking the fun.

Don’t get me wrong: I almost always like the topics (full disclosure: I like some weeks better than others) and I really love your comments. What I don’t like is the constraint of a weekly feature. I’m all for schedules. I love routines. But somehow, in the confines of this blog, the weekly commitment to a why-themed post is not working for me.

I suspect there will still be a Why? post now and then, but I’m playing fast and loose with the schedule. I need the freedom to try some new things with Wonder, Friend and letting go of Wonder Why Wednesday is one piece of embracing that freedom.

So. There you are. Happy Wednesday to you, and here’s to freeing up some space in the blog.

I wonder…

:: Have you ever had to let go of a commitment, whether by your own choosing or due to circumstances beyond your control?

:: If so, how did you feel about quitting, for lack of a better word?

:: If you’re a blogger, do you ever feel hemmed in by features or memes that your host?

:: Do you think it’s okay to switch up things on your readers? (I do think it’s okay, but I can handle it if you disagree with me, so feel free to voice your opinion in the comments!)
