Well here’s something new and different for Monday – I got some blog awards.

I have my Academy Award and Tony acceptance speeches drafted, because I have always known I would need those someday. This blog award thing totally threw me for a loop, though. I’m at a loss for words.

I’d like to thank the two ladies who made winning possible…

:: Kelley over at Kelley’s Breakroom, who gave me the Versatile Blogger Award (I’m nothing if not versatile, yes?)


:: Jean over at Mommy To Two Boys, who gave me the Sugar Doll Award (I like this one, because I can refer to it when someone screams, You’re the meanest mommy ever! I can now say, No, see: I’m a Sugar Doll. I have the award to prove it. So stuff it!)

Acceptance Terms, Etc.
I might not be doing this right, regarding acceptance terms of the awards, but I believe I need to give you a list of things I like, things that make me happy. Oh, boy, I bet you’ve just been waiting and waiting for this day, right? It feels a bit like completing an online dating questionnaire.

I also need to pass on the awards to some other bloggers. I’m unclear how many bloggers, combined, I need to pay it forward to, so I’ve picked an arbitrary number. I can do that. I’m a winner.

The Fun Facts
1. Cloudy days. I have the opposite of Seasonal Affective Disorder. It is sunny and warm (or hot) all. the. freaking. time. in this town. I get so tired of the glare, the heat. I need – NEED – cloudy, rainy days or I get really depressed. (I tweeted this the other day, so you might have already known it, but I doubt you’re reading my every, single tweet.)

2. Country music. There. I said it. I like a lot of other music, too – my tastes are eclectic. But country music has my heart.

3. Stupid jokes. My tastes in comedy are like my tastes in music. They run the gamut. As much as I appreciate sophisticated comedy, a good, stupid joke never fails to make me smile.

4. Pumpkin bagels. That means this is the very best time of year. Those things disappear at Thanksgiving and it will be another long 11 months before I they return. Sob.

5. The bookstore. Forget Disney World. Bookstores are the happiest places on earth.

6. Warm drinks (coffee – black; tea – with honey), cozy blankets and the free time to enjoy those things.

7. Being at home. See #6. But also: hanging out with my family, tackling the to-do list, just being home. I’m a borderline recluse and, according to my husband, part vampire (see #1).

8. The upper corners of our nation. The northern (both West and East) coastlines of our country are some of the most beautiful places on earth.

9. Trains. There is something romantic about a train. I like riding them; reading about them; watching movies about, or taking place on, them.

10. My boys. Oh, I know that’s a cheesy, obvious answer, but hanging out with my three guys is the best. Sometimes they make me want to scream and pull my hair out, but I still pick them. Every time.

And the Award Goes To
So…. who gets the awards now? I won’t keep you waiting. Please visit the following readable, lovable blogs:

Goes to:

Go, Pop Go! (What? You think I should have given him the Sugar Doll award instead?)
She Suggests
The Blogging Goddess


Goes to:

A Closet Writer
Confessions of a Dr. Mom
