I decided that hate – HATE – the post I originally planned to put here. I logged on to do a quick edit and push the “Publish” button, and changed my mind. Notice a theme? It seems that Mondays are my days to have posting issues.

Apparently it’s not an uncommon phenomenon. While I was stalling, and waffling about posting my original piece, I spent some time on Twitter, where I saw a link to this post from Mommypants. If she’s questioning her post, then I feel like I’m in good company.

Here’s where I’m having trouble today…

I escaped over the weekend. No husband, no kids, no internet. I missed them all terribly – really, I did – but it was good to be away for while. And I had a lot of ideas over the weekend, what with all that time to think. I walked away with renewed energy.

Up until the moment I walked into my house I was fully committed to making some changes in my life, in how I approach my time and my activities. After hugging my guys and catching up on all the fun they had without mom around to dress them in matching clothes, I felt my resolve weaken slightly.

It’s so easy to slip back into the before picture. After all, it’s not like the before picture was bad. I just felt energized to do a little photoshop-ing. But now that it’s back to real life, I am questioning my grand ideas. I feel the need to spend some time sorting and organizing my thoughts.

In short, I’m scattered today. I looked at what I wrote for you and it, too, felt scattered. You do not have time for that. You have your own scattered life that needs attention.

I wonder, do you ever get really carried away with ideas and wind up lost? Do you ever feel like you can’t tell the good ideas from the bad? The realistic from the ridiculous?
