Welcome to the second installment of Blogroll Schmogroll.

The good news (or bad news, if you hate this feature)Blogroll Schmogroll has the potential to be the world’s longest running feature. There’s a never ending supply of fun reads from which to choose. I have a very, very long master list of blogs that will occupy this space at some point in the future.

That leads me to a few pieces of business before we get to the fun stuff:

1. If you want to be featured here, please let me know.

2. Several people have mentioned that they are struggling with how to manage their blogrolls. Would you be interested in doing your own Blogroll Schmogroll and linking up for a monthly blog hop? If there’s enough interest, I’ll put a link up next month. Let me know if you would participate.

3. A little preview for next month: I’ll be featuring Austin-area bloggers. I don’t want to miss anyone! If you are an Austin-area blogger, or if you know of one you love, please send me a link. Thanks!

And with that, here are some blogs you should visit. First, a few new friends. I just (virtually) met these bloggers, and think you should get to know them, too. Rather than tell you why to visit, I’m asking you to take my word for it (would I mislead you?). Click, read, follow:

:: Common Sense, Dancing

:: Laundry Hurts My Feelings

:: The Flying Chalupa

This next group is not getting its first Wonder, Friend shout out. Chances are you have seen them referenced here recently when I wrote my Word Up YO! posts, but I’m giving you the links one more time just in case you missed them before. The women behind these three blogs are the brains behind Word Up YO!:

:: A Belle, A Bean, A Chicago Dog

:: Mommy of a Monster (I Mean Toddler) & Infant Twins

:: Taming Insanity
