by Missy Stevens | Family, Fitness
The flesh wound portion of our story is coming, but first, did you notice I’ve been kind of an asshat and have not kept up with Tri My Way Thursdays? I’m sorry. Wait, I’m not sorry. Does that make me even more of an asshat? The thing is, I’ve...
by Missy Stevens | Books and Writing, Fitness
Keeping things brief is not my specialty. But today will be just that. Brief, in three parts. ********************************************************************************* Part 1: Grateful We had one of those experiences this week that made my family take stock. I...
by Missy Stevens | Fitness, Whatever
Hmmm. I scheduled a post for the first time ever. Not only did it not post at the requested hour, it has now turned into gibberish and refuses to let me anywhere near the “post” button. Internet Technology Thingy That Makes My Blog Work, we should talk. I...
by Missy Stevens | Fitness
Picture it: The gym. 2010. A young-ish woman is in Pilates class. (If you caught the Golden Girls reference, then you watch too much TV. Also, we could be good friends.) So. Monday night I was in my Pilates class when one of those summer storms popped up, quite...
by Missy Stevens | Fitness
So I have discovered the drawback to promising a post “tomorrow.” Someone could stay out too late catching up with a friend, and then someone could be too tired to write a post, and someone A) might be sorry she didn’t write the post earlier and B)...
by Missy Stevens | Fitness, Food
Remember how last week I had nothing for Wonder Why Wednesday? This week I’m full of ’em. Questions, that is. It was hard to decide what to write about. So I wrote down all my ideas on little strips of paper and drew one out of a hat. No I didn’t....