by Missy Stevens | Whatever
I didn’t anticipate writing about this, but decided I need to weigh in. I’ll keep this brief (as if I am able to keep my posts brief, but I am really trying to…). Abby Sunderland, age 16, is sailing around the world. Alone. Solo. Around the world....
by Missy Stevens | Family
Last Friday night was one for the books at our house. If those books are dull, dull, dull accountings of household chores. As sad as it would have sounded to pre-mom me, it was not actually a bad night. We got stuff done, including a massive sort of the toys. The...
by Missy Stevens | Family
This post is kind of cheating. I wrote this almost a year ago for another blog that never got off the ground. I wimped out and decided not to publicly release that particular blog. I only wrote a few posts before turning totally chicken and quitting. Recently,...
by Missy Stevens | Whatever
What do I wonder today? Why does it take very little to throw off the entire week? We’re a bit off this week – minor illness, swim lessons, last week of school festivities. Nothing major. We’re off enough, however, that I find I have very little time...
by Missy Stevens | Family, Whatever
This is my final post for Momalom’s Five for Ten. Sniff. I’ll be reading other Five for Ten blog posts for weeks. If you have the time or inclination, hop over to Momalom and check out some of the amazing writing out there. Since it’s Wednesday,...