What do I wonder today? Why does it take very little to throw off the entire week?

We’re a bit off this week – minor illness, swim lessons, last week of school festivities. Nothing major. We’re off enough, however, that I find I have very little time to write. Frankly, I also find I have very little inclination to write this week. I know some would say that means I’m not a real writer. I beg to differ, but we can argue that point another day. I may have mentioned that I have neither time nor inclination to write, much less argue a point about writing.

Clearly I haven’t figured out the balance between life and blogging. Thanks to those of you who have stopped by to read this week. My apologies that there’s nothing new for you. I am forever grateful for your readership and comments. I’ll be back later this week. I look forward to catching up!
