by Missy Stevens | Books and Writing
I mentioned changes afoot and told you I’d be back with more news. Then I never mentioned it again. Today I share with you some of the changes; when I’m damn good and ready, I’ll tell you the rest. Really, I just need to figure out what it’s...
by Missy Stevens | Family
A Saturday Quickie. Not that kind of quickie. Leave it to you to automatically go there. No, this is a quick post, friend. A quick post. Have you ever wondered what babies can hear and see while still safely ensconced in your uterus? Today my worst fears were...
by Missy Stevens | Books and Writing, Whatever
Oh my gosh. I’m surprised my password still works and I’m still able to get in here and post stuff. More on my hiatus later. And yes, I’m aware that I’ve been at this blogging thing for all of five minutes and have already taken two breaks....
by Missy Stevens | Family
Oh wow, it’s Wednesday! Fastest week ever… Speaking of fast, for today’s Wonder Why Wednesday, I’m keeping it short. I wonder why my children seem to know when I’m in a hurry, and choose that time to dawdle? We just had a nearly 30-minute...
by Missy Stevens | Whatever
Instead of wondering today, I’m kind of wandering. My mind is, anyway. I come from adventurous, creative stock. Vaudvillians, movie stars, creators and artists. I, however, am kind of serious. I’m efficient, I follow the rules, I work hard at living up to...