by Missy Stevens | Fitness
It’s possible that Wonder Why Wednesday is not long for this world. I’m considering giving it the boot so I can focus on some other things. Of course, WWW does not take up that much time or brain space, so it might stick around. Since it’s Wednesday...
by Missy Stevens | Whatever
I’ve written some posts about happiness (here and here and here); if I didn’t know me, those posts would kind of make me want to slap me. I was cleaning the bathroom last night, and was reminded of something I should probably tell you, to maybe keep you...
by Missy Stevens | Books and Writing, Whatever
According to my tech expert – yes, we share a bed, but even if we didn’t I would probably still think he was pretty smart – we will eventually be able to go into a store and pay without ever breaking out a wallet. Initially we’ll be able to use our cell...
by Missy Stevens | Whatever
I have a stalker, and I’m happy about it. Yes, you read that correctly. I’m happy about it. Gigi, over at Kludgy Mom, picked Wonder, Friend for her Surprise Stalker Saturday feature. Whoo-hooo! So to show our appreciation, go visit her. The girl’s...
by Missy Stevens | Family
Like most moms, I suspect, I saw a contest for Not Mom of the Year and thought, I don’t know what they’re giving away, but I’m sure I’ve won it. I said as much in my comments to Life Without Pink and The Mommyologist, our contest hostesses. I...