Wonder Why Wednesday: Hell, Breaking Loose

Wonder Why Wednesday: Hell, Breaking Loose

It’s possible that Wonder Why Wednesday is not long for this world. I’m considering giving it the boot so I can focus on some other things. Of course, WWW does not take up that much time or brain space, so it might stick around. Since it’s Wednesday...
Please Don’t Slap Me

Please Don’t Slap Me

I’ve written some posts about happiness (here and here and here); if I didn’t know me, those posts would kind of make me want to slap me. I was cleaning the bathroom last night, and was reminded of something I should probably tell you, to maybe keep you...
Wonder Why Wednesday: Hell, Breaking Loose


I have a stalker, and I’m happy about it. Yes, you read that correctly. I’m happy about it. Gigi, over at Kludgy Mom, picked Wonder, Friend for her Surprise Stalker Saturday feature. Whoo-hooo! So to show our appreciation, go visit her. The girl’s...
Not Mom of the Year

Not Mom of the Year

Like most moms, I suspect, I saw a contest for Not Mom of the Year and thought, I don’t know what they’re giving away, but I’m sure I’ve won it. I said as much in my comments to Life Without Pink and The Mommyologist, our contest hostesses. I...