I’ve written some posts about happiness (here and here and here); if I didn’t know me, those posts would kind of make me want to slap me.
I was cleaning the bathroom last night, and was reminded of something I should probably tell you, to maybe keep you from slapping me. Yes, cleaning the bathroom. My life is glamorous (say it this way: GLAAA-mo-RUUSSS, kind of like Oprah would say it. Fun, right?). As I was saying, I was cleaning the bathroom and I saw this star filled with bubble bath:
Several Christmases ago I put similar bubble baths in my mom’s stocking. Stockings are my very favorite, but more on that at Christmas. Back to the issue at hand… I kept one bubble bath for myself, but not to use. I intentionally keep that star on a tray next to my sink so that I see it every day and am reminded to seek joy.
Do you see what’s right next to it? A tiny bottle of Amazing Grace by Philosophy. Now, I don’t wear perfume very often. I live in Texas and we have mosquitos the size of Volkswagens. Mosquitos love me, the natural me, and when I put on perfume? Watch out. But I adore the smell of Amazing Grace, and even more, I love the name. It’s another reminder. A reminder that I have been given immense grace. And a reminder that I’d like to, in turn, handle life gracefully, rather than in my usual bungled, haphazard way.
Here comes the part where I tell you why not to slap me. Stick with me just a bit longer.
I was a glass half – no, make that ¾ – empty kind of girl. I came that way. It was not something I learned. For whatever reason, I showed up on this planet with a tendency to act a lot like Debbie Downer.
I have always hated this about myself. That sullen person is not who I want to be. She would show up even when I was trying to keep her away. Over the years – many, many years, I’m a slow learner, apparently – I have worked on turning my proverbial frown upside down. And on keeping that whiny bitch inside from showing up and ruining my good time.
This woman who chooses happiness and looks for the upside to everything? She’s kind of new here. And there’s an inner mean girl who really gives her a hard time.
There’s a chance you’ll see more posts about happiness & joy, because these emotions don’t come naturally for me. I wake up every day and the first thing I feel is dread. I have no idea why this is, but it’s always been that way. Here I am, living my version of the good life, and it is so blessed, but I still wake up kind of cranky every day. Happiness, joy, peace (hello, fruits of the spirit) and gracefulness do not come easily to me, but I want them to. So I work at it. And lucky you, you’ll probably get to hear about it from time to time.
There’s something else on my bathroom counter. Something I purchased partly because I like the packaging – I’m a packaging whore – and more importantly, because I love the name. I believe all women, all people, should have a little of this:
I’m working on it. Thanks for being part of my journey.
I wonder…
1. Is there anything about yourself that you struggle to change?
2. Do you keep visible reminders, notes, etc. to help you make changes?
3. Does Debbie Downer totally crack you up? I can’t help myself. She kills me.

Good for you for choosing joy! I struggle to change my worrisome nature. It’s tough! Great post.
Thank you! I’ve decided that being aware of things like worry and negativity is more than half the battle, don’t you think? So much better than not having any idea and driving the people around us crazy with our obliviousness!
my inner mean girl always like to kick the happy out of me too. it’s funny how happiness is always a choice when it seems like being unhappy always chooses us. but kudos to you for filling up your glass!
and the texas mosquitoes are really getting my goat this year.
What is the deal with the mosquitoes this year (and why, after a lifetime here, am I surprised every summer when they show up with their travel trailer and duffel bags, ready to make camp in my yard)?
I really like how you phrased this, “happiness is always a choice when it seems like being unhappy always chooses us.” WHY? It seems like happiness should come naturally, but no.
Thanks for stopping by! I think that is amazing that you choose happiness. It is easy to get wrapped up and pulled down by the day to day minutia but stay strong. Life is about perspective and if your choose happiness, it will be that mush easier to find it!I am your newest follower! Happy Tuesday!
Debi ( not a downer:)
Don’t “change.” I have a hard time with that word. It’s loaded with all kinds of crap, like earth-shattering alterations to your life. My big word lately that I remind myself of lately is EVOLVE. It’s more gradual-sounding. Evolution is improvement. Evolution, survival of the fittest, all that. Adapting to the conditions in the most suitable manner possible. Sooner or later, though, you’ll stop adapting and you’ll finally be the creature you were meant to be. Don’t force it. Let it flow.
I like that thought, and that word: Evolve. Thanks, Kevin.
No *wonder* I like your blog. I’m a glass is 3/4 empty kinda gal too. I think it is what drives my blog toward the snarky. At points, i try to just embrace it instead of fight it. Not everyone can be shinyhappy. But that’s the reason that occasionally, I blog with a big of sap..to remind myself that I cannot wallow in negativity EVERY day.
I wrote about wallowing not long ago, and there was a general consensus that it’s not all bad. But… you’re right. We can’t hang out there, wallowing in the negative, all day, every day. I’m all for it when it leads to a funny post, though!! Ha.
Love the glass 3/4 empty statement– I totally feel like that some days.
1. I ALWAYS struggle with balancing everything. People always tell me “how do you do it all?” and honestly, I don’t. I constantly move to the next thing and rarely just friggin RELAX. I’m workin on it.
2. In Jan, I decided my word for the year would be NURTURE. I am trying to live up to that every day and I recently posted my mid-year update on the matter. Thanks for the idea about writing it down– maybe I should use a magic marker on my palm or something.
3. Oh, I’m a HUGE DD fan. I find myself always going “wa wa waaaaa” and then I wonder if people know what the heck I’m talking about.
Our 4-yr-old, who I swear has never seen SNL, makes the whaaa-whaaa noise. Kills me every time.
Love that you have a word for the year. I read your update and thought it was great. Yet another idea I’m going to steal from you! 😉