Instead of wondering today, I’m kind of wandering. My mind is, anyway. I come from adventurous, creative stock. Vaudvillians, movie stars, creators and artists. I, however, am kind of serious. I’m efficient, I follow the rules, I work hard at living up to expectations. Way down deep there’s a bit of my genetically programed zest for living that periodically tries to escape.
That zest is clawing at me today. I want to pack up and move. I want to live in a different part of the country (or a different country altogether) and experience everything another region has to offer.
So I wonder (aha – I am wondering), where do you live? Why do you love it? Sell me, baby. Make me call a realtor and start shopping for houses in your neighborhood.*
*We’re really good neighbors. We take great care of our house and yard. We’ll bring you dinner if you need a break. We like to kick back, have a drink or three, and enjoy the evening. So really, don’t be afraid to sell me on your location. Really. We’re not stalkery at all.

Sooo ironic – I’m guest posting on Tuesday and writing about how exciting and adventurous it is to relocate! We’ve done it 3 times, and I think it’s an invaluable experience.
.-= liz´s last blog ..Word Up, YO! =-.
at this very moment, i am taking a break from packing up my bookshelves so we can move into a house we’re trying to buy. hopefully it’ll work, ’cause i’ll be pretty pissed if all this packing i’m doing is for naught. anyways, i live in Missouri. it’s flat and there isn’t much in the way of sight seeing, but my husband has a stable job, and with a couple kids to feed, that’s what matters. 🙂 we have real cold winters AND real hot summers so we get the best of both worlds. i’ve lived the country farm life and the in-the-city apartment life, and have finally found a real home in suburbia. i’m most comfortable here, close enough to everything yet the house we are moving into has a big enough fenced in yard so we can still play fetch with our dog. my family is a quiet one- we like quiet evenings at home with drinks and a good movie. we don’t have many friends because we’ve moved 7 times in the last 8 years. we’re hoping to put down some roots in the next couple years, though. i’m afraid i can’t say much to sell you on our location… if we didn’t have to worry about money, we’d pick up and move into a cabin in the mountains in colorado.
.-= Nobody´s last blog ..Shake of the Day =-.
Well, as much as I’d like to have you as a neighbor, I’m not all that crazy about where I live now and would feel bad about luring you here on false pretenses. So once you decide on the perfect new place, let me know and I’ll join you there, okay? 🙂
.-= Kristen @ Motherese´s last blog ..Mama Needs a Brand New Bag: Cousin It Edition =-.
I moved to my current house over a year ago. I wake up to coffee and mountains every morning and I have wonderful neighbors and the weather is nice at least 8 months of the year. We have a few houses on sale in our neighborhood – you interested?
.-= Rudri Patel´s last blog ..A Detour =-.
I can absolutely relate to the tumbleweed lifestyle. After moving ten times in the last ten years, I can honestly say, home is where ever the people you love are. Outside of that, every other place is just a vacation destination.
Oooh, come to Connecticut. We can swap child care for grocery shopping ALONE. We can grab drinks in the center of town and leave the worries of home behind. We can sip iced coffee in the backyard while the kiddos bounce on the trampoline, or ride bikes on the sidewalks all over town…
Um, yeah, I need some LOCAL friends. And I LOVE MY TOWN SOMETHING FIERCE. So come! I’m going to do my best to convince Ms. Kristen up there to get her butt to my town, too. She’s caught a glimpse and I seem to be house-shopping for her in my mind!
.-= Sarah´s last blog sweatshirt =-.