by Missy Stevens | Whatever
I once dreamed that I wrote an anonymous sex column and was being forced to reveal my identity for legal reasons. This was no clean, upstanding, useful information column. It was smut. Tawdry. I woke up in a panic, wondering how I would explain this line of work to my...
by Missy Stevens | Family
This post, part of Five for Ten, was intended for two days ago when the topic was memory. But – and I’m serious here – I forgot to post it. I had it almost ready to go, but then got really wrapped up in a busy weekend of house guests and birthday...
by Missy Stevens | Family, Food
I once stood in a church and said good-bye to one of the dearest friends I have ever had, or will have. I was miserable. And angry. And I looked at another friend and said, “I don’t want to be here. I just want to go home.” I couldn’t stand another second...
by Missy Stevens | Family
A few thoughts on happiness before I very happily enjoy a glass of wine and Modern Family. Happiness is a state of mind. Cliché? Perhaps. But most cliches become such due to a kernel of truth. I choose to be happy. I have to make that choice many times every day....
by Missy Stevens | Whatever
Well I’m sure it couldn’t possibly be user error, but I’ve had a devil of a time posting today. Considering that the day is half over, and WWW never did post, I almost threw in the towel. But we’ll give it one last try. After almost forgetting...