A few thoughts on happiness before I very happily enjoy a glass of wine and Modern Family.

Happiness is a state of mind. Cliché? Perhaps. But most cliches become such due to a kernel of truth.

I choose to be happy. I have to make that choice many times every day. Many. Times.

I typically make the choice when my feet hit the floor in the morning.

I choose again, after the kids’ breakfast hits the floor.

I choose to be happy when I pick up my son from preschool.

I choose again when I pick him up from the parking lot, where he has pitched himself in protest over having to leave. Crazy thing? The preschool will not keep him overnight. I asked. He loves it there and I only have a mild complex, because dragging him home, kicking and screaming, is way better than dragging him to school, kicking and screaming.

I choose to be happy when it’s time to figure out what’s for dinner.

I choose again when the dishes are piled in the sink. And yes, this meal typically ends up on the floor, too, just like breakfast did. Thank you, Lord, for splat mats, indoor/outdoor washable rugs, and loads of patience.

I choose to be happy when I lie down, close my eyes, and send up prayers for the strength to do it all again. Happily.

More on happiness tomorrow, day 2 of Happiness at Five for Ten.
