iPhone Photo Phun #1

iPhone Photo Phun #1

Poor Liz and KLZ, they are bored. So they came up with something else to manage: iPhone Photo Phun.   I recently deleted a lot of junk pictures off of my iPhone, and I still have almost 700 files left. Most of which are also junk. The rest of which are instagram...
The Meltdown, Or Why I Need a Good Cry

The Meltdown, Or Why I Need a Good Cry

Backpack? Check. Lunchbox? Check. An entire week’s worth of school clothes ironed and set aside? Check. Everything labeled? Check. School suppliesĀ deliveredĀ to the classroom? Check. Camera battery charged for those first day pictures? Check. Everything that has...
Talking to People, It’s Not My Gift

Talking to People, It’s Not My Gift

I’m a magnet for strangers when we’re out and about. Recently, I was in a friend’s yard alone, because I was just getting something out of the car, when a neighbor ambled up and proceeded to share intimate details of her family’s whereabouts...