by Missy Stevens | Books and Writing
Dear Me, You, Us, I was tasked with writing a letter from me to me. I’m writing now, which is the future to you; you’re reading now, which is the past to me. Confused yet? Let’s put it this way. You are reading this in 1992. You’re 18....
by Missy Stevens | Books and Writing, Fitness
Keeping things brief is not my specialty. But today will be just that. Brief, in three parts. ********************************************************************************* Part 1: Grateful We had one of those experiences this week that made my family take stock. I...
by Missy Stevens | Books and Writing
I thought I would write a blog post while my boys played. That is one of the crazier ideas I’ve ever had. They were not behaving badly. Or at least not very badly. In fact, more and more these days they play so well together. Actually, they don’t...
by Missy Stevens | Books and Writing
Hair today, gone tomorrow. Har, har, har. But I’m not laughing. Very short hair going on over here! I wanted a change. Isn’t that how it always starts? I was about to burst into flames, thanks to Central Texas August weather, and my long hair was annoying...
by Missy Stevens | Books and Writing
Yeah, I’m late again this week. Cannot blame the internet this time, though. Just a busy week. I initially decided to bow out of this week’s Red Writing Hood meme, but once life calmed down again I decided to give it go. I really want to read the other...
by Missy Stevens | Books and Writing
Once again, it’s Missy Tries to Write Fiction Day , hosted by The Red Dress Club. So if you’re one of those people who hates this day, please feel free to move along. The rest of you, welcome and thanks for reading! I’m a day late posting. My...