It Went a Bit Sideways

It Went a Bit Sideways

We just wrapped up a doozy of a month with strep throat for half the household. And of course that half included me. I love to catch all the diseases. Apparently. On the bright side, I used my strep throat convalescence to watch a lot, a whole, whole lot, of TV: * Two...
Witch In a Box

Witch In a Box

For the remainder of this post, I expect you to sing the title, Witch In a Box, to the tune of the Samberg-Timberlake classic, D@#! in a Box. I’ve been singing it since Hazel arrived, and believe you should all share my earworm. Careful readers of this blog (hi,...
The Worst Thing You Can Say (To Yourself)

The Worst Thing You Can Say (To Yourself)

I can’t, he said. I’m the worst one, he complained. Why do I have to do this? he asked. Thanks to my many – many – years of life, and due to objectivity only slightly marred by Mommy Goggles, I know he’s wrong about being the worst. But I also know...
It Went a Bit Sideways

Adoption of the Four-Legged Variety

We are getting a dog. On the surface this statement doesn’t carry the weight of, say, We are having a baby or We are moving to outer space. (Neither of those things are true, but of the two we are more likely to move to outer space.) Below the surface, however,...