We just wrapped up a doozy of a month with strep throat for half the household. And of course that half included me. I love to catch all the diseases. Apparently.

On the bright side, I used my strep throat convalescence to watch a lot, a whole, whole lot, of TV:

* Two Law & Order marathons, original and SVU versions;

* The entire first season ofย Orange is the New Black;

* Some Murder, She Wrote:

* And an episode of Matlock. (In my defense, I was feverish and thought I was watching a flash-forward episode of The Andy Griffith Show. I couldn’t figure out what happened to Opie, and was scared he had died. I realize that explanation does nothing for my defense.)

I thoroughly examined the legal system via television. Basically, I’m a lawyer now. My late-night cable TV commercial, 1-800-LAWYER-UP-SUCKAS, should be running soon. We’re working out some kinks with the phone number, and then everything will be good to go. If you have legal troubles, no self respect, and tons of cash, call me!

Back to the doozy business I mentioned up there. I started with the end of the month, because it’s hard to know where to start sometimes. When I think back over the last month, however, I realize I should start with it’s all good. (Sorry about the spoiler alert!)

For a while things were sideways, though.

In October, stuff went down. The shortest possible version: I thought I was dying, first of a liver-related malady, then of a deadly lump on my breast. While I was dying, Mark was making some major changes in his professional life. I should note that Mark was concerned about my health, but he was not at all worried about the job stuff. (Why would he be, when I have worrying covered for all us?)

During the month I became myopic, and scattered, and less productive than I care to admit. I was on autopilot, pretending I was not anxious or worried.

I went about this month of unknowns all wrong, by the way. I know better. I know I should have reached out to my friends and been completely honest; I should have told them that I felt like I was drowning. More than the usual drowning that comes with life and motherhood, that is. I should have turned to my faith. That’s what it’s for, after all.

Instead, I just handled things and didn’t handle anything, all at the same time. That’s fun for everyone. No wonder I was run down enough to catch stupid strep throat.

Little by little, we got answers to the big questions. Good answers, like:

* Liver is not killing me. It might not be working as efficiently as it should, and we’re keeping an eye on things, but it’s not a deadly situation.

* Breast lump is not killing me. It’s an innocent cyst that is shrinking away, all on its own. File it with the liver, under Things We Are Watching, But Not Worried About.

* Mark’s professional life? All sorted out, all going well.

I even celebrated the good news with a tweet…


The little stuff of life remains, as does the never-little stuff of parenting and raising decent humans. Being a grown up with responsibilities, some of which are other freaking people, means there are always concerns. We got a reprieve (that’s a lawyer word, by the way) from the big stuff, though, and I feel like it was a message. A lesson.

The next time stuff goes sideways, I need to remember this time.

I need to remember to take care of my head and my heart, so that I can take care of the people around me. Let me tell you, ending up in bed with a throat full of knives is no good for anyone around here. Sure, there’s a lawyer in the house now, but no amount of TV lawyering can make up for me being a bumbling mess.

This thing we’re doing, this life, is composed almost entirely of uncertainties. The one thing we can count on is that it will go sideways again. And so I’ll remember.

(I’ll also load up my Netflix queue with doctor shows, so next time I get sick I can add Physician to my already impressive imaginary CV.)
