Santa, Schmanta: Toy Shopping Made Easy

Santa, Schmanta: Toy Shopping Made Easy

Today we are not discussing a couple things. We’re not discussing how many days you have left to finish Christmas shopping. If we were discussing it, I’d tell you that there are 18 days, 19 if you’re completely insane and Amazon gets that drone...
Why Can’t I Be Cool?

Why Can’t I Be Cool?

‘Twas the night post Thanksgiving, And all through the house Were boxes of Christmas crap, The mess made me grouse. Ha. You thought I was doing an entire post in verse, didn’t you (unless, of course, you have the power of scanning ahead to see that in a...
It Went a Bit Sideways

It Went a Bit Sideways

We just wrapped up a doozy of a month with strep throat for half the household. And of course that half included me. I love to catch all the diseases. Apparently. On the bright side, I used my strep throat convalescence to watch a lot, a whole, whole lot, of TV: * Two...
Things That Go Bump in the Night

Things That Go Bump in the Night

Listen, kids, it’s that time of year when spooky, creepy, and eerie are at the forefront of your minds. The other day, you were certain you saw “a ninja, or a bad guy, or maybe a monster dressed all in black” leaping from rooftop-to-rooftop in the ‘hood....
Witch In a Box

Witch In a Box

For the remainder of this post, I expect you to sing the title, Witch In a Box, to the tune of the Samberg-Timberlake classic, D@#! in a Box. I’ve been singing it since Hazel arrived, and believe you should all share my earworm. Careful readers of this blog (hi,...