Today we are not discussing a couple things.

We’re not discussing how many days you have left to finish Christmas shopping. If we were discussing it, I’d tell you that there are 18 days, 19 if you’re completely insane and Amazon gets that drone delivery working by December 25.

We are not discussing how much shopping you still have left to do. If we were discussing it, I’d tell you that nearly all of my shopping is left, or as I choose to look at it, some of it is done.

Hoo-whee. My chest is getting tight and I’m having trouble breathing.

I have two little boys placing their Christmas dreams in my hands. Well, mine and Santa’s, but let’s be real here. Santa does not pull his weight in this deal, not even close. Hey Santa, how ’bouts you put down the cookies and get to work?

I’ll let you in on a secret: I didn’t even mail their letters. That leaves me with two largely indecipherable lists in my hands, and only 18 days to get it all figured out.

I’ll let you in on another secret: Brilliant Sky Toys and Books Austin is going to save Christmas. Of course Santa will get all the credit, but I’m okay with that. As long as the kids are happy on December 25, Santa can hog the spotlight. And the cookies.

Like most four- and seven-year-olds, my boys are big fans of toys that engage their imaginations, allowing them to build their own worlds. Their dad and I love educational toys that are so crazy cool the kids don’t even know they’re learning. We’re all happy when toys provide hours upon hours of entertainment.

Thankfully, Brilliant Sky Toys and Books Austin is my one-stop shop for imaginative, educational toys that will thrill our whole family. Everything in the store is carefully selected, and get this: they have curbside pickup. Seriously. This time of year, between holiday errands and activities, I get in and out of my car roughly 735 times each day (give or take). The idea of pulling up to Brilliant Sky and having my kid-related Christmas shopping delivered right into my car? Heaven.

I could go on and on about what an amazing place this store is or you could watch these short, funny ads. They say it much better – and more concisely – than I ever could. Take a look (or click here if the videos aren’t working for you):

Ready to take advantage of that curbside pickup? Click here for store location and hours. While you’re clicking on stuff, be sure to like Brilliant Sky Toys and Books Austin on Facebook.

Now that the kids are all taken care of, it’s time to figure out what to get my Great Aunt Edna. She smokes cigars, plays bingo, and hates almost everything else. Too bad Brilliant Sky doesn’t have a Cranky Aunt section.

This post was sponsored by Brilliant Sky Toys and Books in Austin, but all sentiments and opinions are mine. I keep the sponsored content to a minimum here, and only post about businesses and products I know and use. It’s thanks to generous sponsors that I’m able to keep Wonder, Friend afloat. Thank you for reading and for your support!
