Last weekend I got to have a little boondoggle and escape for the weekend with one of my best friends. We spent some time at the hotel pool and it was absolute heaven. Any parents out there know that going to the pool with your kids is far from relaxing, at least when the kids are little like mine. There is no lounging, no reading, no time for a cocktail. Swimwear is practical, so as to resist being pulled off by the monkey child clinging to my back. I am ever-vigilant, constantly watching, my inner lifeguard on high alert for pool safety violations and possible drownings.

But last weekend, ahhhh. Cocktails. A book. A conversation in which we completed our sentences. That is, we completed sentences when we wanted to talk. At times we did not talk at all and that was okay. Nobody peppered us with the five W’s and the ever-popular H (for you non-journalism people out there: Who, What, Where, When, Why and How), as children are wont to do. We just were. And it was good.

As we’re enjoying our adult beverages, I notice that a nightclub promoter is trolling the pool decks looking for human marketing tools, aka very hot chicks, to invite to a new club that night. And here’s the thing: he walked right past us. Could it have been this sunscreen devotee’s pasty legs? Or the fact that I was reading Momover and furiously taking notes? Or the fact that even though I didn’t have children with me, I was still wearing a suit that, by young, hot chick standards, would be considered very sensible?

My Wonder Why Wednesday for this week: Why didn’t we, the 30-something, non-triangle-top-bikini’d, SPF 50 slathered women, get invited to the hot, new club?*

*I realize that last week I said there are no rules here. Answer my question, post your own question, just discuss – anything goes. But I am making one small amendment for this week only:

Do not – I repeat, DO NOT – attempt to supply a real answer my question, especially if you know me and have ever had the fortune (good or bad? I don’t want to know) to see me in my pool attire. WWW is supposed to be fun. I do not want to be depressed by your helpful suggestions that I maybe consider a spray tan, a diet, etc.

We KNOW why that club promoter passed us over, but we had a good mind to throw on our sexiest mom capris and sensible, wedge-heeled flip flops and show up that night anyway. But as it turns out the club does not open until after our bed time.
