If I never post again? (Is it presumptuous to assume you love me in the first place?)

Now don’t panic (again with the presumptions), I’m not quitting.

But I have not had ample time in the last week to turn any thoughts into posts. I haven’t had all that many thoughts, either, to be honest. I start, stop, start, delete. It’s awful.

And that book? I had one good thought in regard to the book, resulting in scrapping the bulk of my drivel. While I’m glad I realized that a lot of what I’d written was all wrong, I’m now facing a whole bunch of blank pages. My blank brain + blank pages = a wee bit of panic.

Granted, I had some time over the weekend, but I chose to recharge and hang out with my family (I know. Crazy talk.).

The thing is, we’re only half back to school here. I have one little friend at home for another week. Our preschool always starts after Labor Day, meaning we have two and a half weeks between the start of big kid school and the start of preschool. Today, I’m launching a campaign to change that.

Because I have almost zero free time until preschool starts, making an organized phone, email, Twitter, Facebook, and petition-signing campaign impractical, I just have to hope our Preschool Powers That Be happen to read this post. In the event you are reading, Preschool Powers That Be, I offer the following super compelling reasons to start school sooner:

  1. My youngest child misses his older brother terribly. Going to preschool a few days a week would take his mind off his troubles, so why wait until after Labor Day? Let’s start preschool when the big kids go back to school.
  2. I am the world’s lousiest playa play-er, as in I am not great at getting down on the floor and playing cars or trains or cowboy-pirate-robot wars for hours. Some play time every day? You got it. Six hours a day, five days a week while we wait for big brother to get home from school? Uh, no.
  3. And finally, the reason I know our preschool will find the most compelling… I don’t have time to blog. Or write. Or think. I used to work some in the morning, but now I’ve lost more than half of that time (we leave to walk to school around 7:15 and before that there’s the whole please eat your breakfast and brush your teeth and put on your clothes what are you doing in your room if you’re not getting dressed and why haven’t you brushed your teeth and no, I don’t think an underwear hat is a great idea deal; not a ton of peaceful working time after about 6:15 a.m.), and then I used to squeeze in some work at nap time. But now nap time is fractured and crazy due to the after school routine. We have not found our rhythm. Why bother getting a routine now, when it’s all going to change as soon as preschool starts again?

Therefore, I believe, Preschool Powers That Be, that your open arms and open doors should welcome our youngest school-goers as soon as their older siblings return to their own hallowed halls.

I have good intentions to not only write, but also read and comment on other blogs. You know what they say about the road to hell, though. I am paving the heck out of that thing this week. I’ll be back, though, I promise.

But first, there’s a miniature pirate in pajamas who needs a snack.

I wonder…

:: How long does it take you to get in the groove once school starts? How long until you’ve found your rhythm?
