Almost two years ago I was preparing to hunker down for some severe weather. And by preparing, I mean checking Twitter for my weather news. Weather Man Mark* was keeping an eye on official weather reports, but I prefer to know what the person on the street – or Internet – has to say.

So I was hanging out on Twitter and saw a tweet from B. about the weather. We’d chatted via tweet before, but I never realized she lived so close to me. The Internet is magically weird that way. Now, thanks to Austin Bloggers, B. and I – and a whole bunch of other bloggers – know each other outside of our computer screens. The Internet is also magically weird that way. There are real people in there.

My point? Thanks to the magically weird Internet, I’m fortunate to know some fantastic people I might never have met otherwise. And sometimes these people invite me to hang out in their little corners of the blogosphere, so I’m not here today. I’m at B.’s place, Unexpectedly Expecting Baby, writing about marriage, because… B.’s getting married this week! I’m sharing a story about the day I woke up and felt gobsmacked by the concept of, gulp, forever.

You don’t need to make any major forever commitments to me (it’s cool if you want to, though); instead, I thought we could have a one-day stand over at B.’s place. Follow me over there, won’t you? I’m sure she would love your words of wisdom, too, so leave her a comment with your best marriage advice.

*Not a real weather man. Just a real weather dork. And he’s all mine, ladies.

P.S. – There won’t be a guest post this week on Wonder, Friend. We’re taking the week off for Easter (and it’s Spring Break for a lot of the country, too). Check back next week!
