Look what I made.

Headed for 15 more years. And then some. Photo credit: Robin Winkles Photography.

Not the tall one, but those two smaller people. I did that.

Oh, okay. The tall guy helped, too, kind of like that person in study group who always manages to get away with contributing the poster board or offering to go have the presentation bound, but doesn’t actually do any real work? I’m not saying Mark’s role was insignificant – in fact, we would have failed this project without his, uh, part. What I’m saying is that his role in the people making, well, it was less involved than my role in the people making.

Now, though? Now we’re in this thing together. Making people is no walk in the park, at least after the initial phase of the project (Which did not take place in a park. I feel the need to point that out.). There is at least some napping involved in the making phase. But raising people? Dear lord. It’s a marathon, every day, and sometimes more than one marathon a day. And not so many naps.

I’m so grateful for this man who runs alongside, who is in it not just for 26.2 miles, but for the ultra distances and extreme trail runs. Metaphorically, that is. But you know what? If I asked him to train with me for 70.3 actual miles, I think he would. Because he’s that guy.

I’m grateful for this man who lets me dream, and even dreams right along with me. This man who encourages me to write, and who supports my frequently injury-riddled sporting endeavors. This man who knows that if we’re very blessed, the children will grow up and become independent, contributing members of society. And we can sell the crap out of our house and travel. I’m grateful that we both want to keep sharing adventures, even after this first enormous one has (sort of) ended.

Of course it never ends. We chose to bring the small people into the world, and even though they will grow up one day, we’ll always be their parents. So I’m grateful, once again, that I get to run this race – this very long, never ending race – with Mark.

Last Wednesday, January 4 was our 15th wedding anniversary. Fifteen! So I think things are pretty well locked in now, and barring any events that I refuse to imagine (because it would have to be something extreme and horrific and unthinkable), we’re in this thing. Together.

And I’m grateful.
